
This list serves as reference to the artistic net I move in.

Category: Uncategorized

Magic Brandenburg

Clear ponds, as intense smells as essential oil in the woods, cucumbers as appetizer. Brandenburg.


With my friends, cakes and a lot of flowers by the river. Berlin Kreuzberg.

Apples and Walls

Always really happy to see the Apples again. Visiting Christopher Williams‚ show in Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover.

The Working Women

are subject of many film by Günter Peter Straschek. „Hurra für Frau E.“, 1967 or in „Ein Westrn für den SDS“ 1967-68 are especially interesting, as discovered in an archive while working on this show. On display at Hier und Jetzt. Also nice to meet again „storage piece “ by Haegue Yang. She won the […]

Voodoo Wedding

This space shows new stuff every week, this wednesday  Ko-Präsenz with works by my friend Yala Juchmann. Berlin Wedding.

Puccini, Poulenc, Rutter

A witty audio feature introduces the evening and three composers. Great combination of works, you feel passion on all sides of the creating teams : composers, ochestra, choir. Cheering for my friend Tim, member of the choir Studiosi Cantandi. Kammermusiksaal, Philharmonie Berlin.

Tina Turner, Barbara Kruger, …

Tony Cokes Keleketla! Library Okwui Okpokwasili and more on the power of words, rhythm and styles and their various interpretations in different contexts. Outstanding: The installation showing Tony Cokes, especially the video piece „Mikrohaus, or the black atlantic?“ 2006-08. Inspiring for its beautiul installations: Joanna Piotrowska, Sondra Perry, Minia Biabiany, Agnieszka Brzezanska. Berlin Biennale. We […]

Almost Dissapeared…

.. spaces for intellectual exchange. Now on display: expo 20018, featuring works by Kathrin Köster, John MacLean (loved them!) and Vincent Grunwald. At Argh! Berlin Neukölln.

Cellar Labyrinth as Display Area..

Video I got reminded on the „escape“ games, I haven’t tried, yet. But all I have heared about it made me refer to that. Store opening with everything you need to make it fancy, successful and glamourous and fun! Oukan. Berlin Mitte.

„The track is 7 Minutes long..“

Joining my friend Hanne, cheering for her friend, tonight’s DJ – he has to play inside, super sticky, hot and lurking for any occasion to get out and have a chat and a cigarette „The track is 7 minutes long., the view superb and outside a little more chill…“. Klunkerkranich. Berlin Neukölln.